Monday, February 6, 2012

Five pretty love songs and one ugly one

My good friend Casey is the director of the Underline Gallery, a really great art gallery in New York. The next show at the gallery is entitled "Bright Lights, Big Love" and it's opening this Thursday, February 9. Just in time for Valentines Day! 

To help celebrate the opening, Underline is inviting one and all to submit their favorite songs about love to be included on the opening night playlist! How fun! You can submit your songs via Facebooktwitter (@underlinegaller), or 

I had a very hard time narrowing my choices down, so I chose five very pretty love songs and one great song for a breakup:

Magnetic Fields, The Book of Love- One of the sweetest songs I've ever heard. If this song doesn't describe love to a tee, I'm not sure what does. 

Jay-Z, 99 Problems- There are so many problems in the world, and you should be able to count on the one you love. Shouldn't your sweetheart have your back?

Elvis Presley, Can't Help Falling Love- Because this song (alright the UB40 version) was on both our minds when Matt and I first got together. 

Neutral Milk Hotel, In an Aeroplane over the Sea- Because it's absolutely heart breaking. 

Bjork, Big Time Sensuality- Describes falling in love, or lust perfectly. My college roommates could always tell when I had a crush because I'd play this song over and over again.....

And one perfect break-up song:

1 comment:

  1. Great post! In the Aeroplane Over the Sea is my ultimate happy song. For years now whenever I'm in a funk, I put it on and instantly smile.
    Another good one: Of Monsters and Men "Love, love, love". for some reason I always have to listen to it more than once! xo!
